Supreme Court inspection general department inspectors visited the courts and central prison in Ghazni province

Tue, Jul 30 2024 11:15 AM
Supreme Court inspection general department inspectors visited the courts and central prison in Ghazni province

Under the special guidance of the supreme authority office of the Supreme Court, a special delegation led by inspection department deputy assistant Hafez Mowlawi Abdul Wali "Mahmmood,” who was accompanied by Mowlawi Bakhtullah “Madani” and Mowlawi Amanullah "Hamed,” traveled to the Ghazni province to supervise the past activities of the courts on 27/Zulhijah/1445 AH.
At the beginning of the visit, the delegation visited the central prison in order to investigate the problems of the prisoners. They questioned all male and female prisoners separately.
The mentioned delegation, according to the work plan, visited 18 districts primary courts, urban and appellate court divisions, document sections, and special courts separately.
During the monitoring process, the delegation made a comprehensive investigation of the judicial, administrative, and financial affairs of the courts of Ghazni, Give instructions.
The delegation noticed the existing problems, work obstacles, and logistical deficiencies related to the courts, and about solving the problems, removing the obstacles, and supplying the existing deficiencies, held an understanding meeting with all judicial members.
They also visited the provincial officials, and the better solution and enhancing the court's activities heard the officials’ opinions.
The 22-day trip which was full of accomplishments of the judicial inspection ended on the 19th of the Muharram 1446 AH.

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
الحمدلله و کفی والصلاة والسلام علی عباده الذین اصطفی، اما بعد:    
Allah (SWT) says
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