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The head of the supreme court’s public security Division finalized some criminal cases during his travel to Balkh province
Under the guidance of the Supreme Court’s Tamiz Directorate, the Head of the Public Security Division, Mufti Abdulrahman Azizi, accompanied by Mufti Qudratullah Seerat, traveled to. . .
The Supreme Court Criminal Division director finalized Six important criminal cases during his travels to Laghman province
Under the special guidance of Shaikh Abdul Hakim "Haqani, the chief justice of the supreme court; the head of the criminal division of the supreme court, Mufti Atiqullah "Darwish,” who. . .
The Honorable Chief Justice and head of the Supreme Court Visited the Kandahar appellate court
On 18/8/1446 AH, the Honorable Chief Justice and head of the Supreme Court, Sheikh Abdul Hakim “Haqqani”, visited the Kandahar appelalte court in the presence of all judicial members of. . .
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Afghanistan Islamic Emirate supreme court declaration about aerial and ground brutal attacks and atrocities of Zionist Israel on Palestine.
For a long time, the oppressed Muslims of Palestine have been mercilessly by Zionist usurpers Israel air and ground attacks, due to which thousands of Palestinian women, children and adults were . . .