Documents and registration Six Deportments in Kabul resolved 2590 documents, during the course of one month.

أحد, يوليو 14 2024 2:04 مساء
Documents and registration Six Deportments in Kabul resolved 2590 documents, during the course of one month.

From (1445/12/1- To 1445/12/29) A-H
Details in following:
1- The first section of the Documents and registration:
The first section of the documents and registration resolved (254) marriage certificates, one CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE WITNESS and executed (155) documents as well, during the course of one month.
2- The second section of the Documents and registration:
The second section of the documents and registration resolved (254) marriage certificates, one CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE WITNESS and executed (155) documents as well, during the course of one month.
3- The 3rd section of the Documents and registration:
The 3rd section of the documents and registration resolved (332) marriage certificates, (64) CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE WITNESS and executed (146) documents as well, during the course of one month.
4- The 4th section of the Documents and registration:
The 4thsection of the documents and registration resolved (349) marriage certificates, (5) CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE WITNESS and executed (146) documents as well, during the course of one months.
5- The 5th   section of the Documents and registration:
The 5th section of the documents and registration resolved (327) marriage certificates, (34) CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE WITNESS and executed (116) documents as well, during the course of one month
6- The 6th section of the Documents and registration:
The 6th section of the documents and registration resolved (314) marriage certificates, (23) CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE WITNESS and executed (82) documents as well, during the course of one month.

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