Documents and registration Six Deportments in Kabul resolved 2590 documents, during the course of one month.

یکشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۴/۲۴ - ۱۴:۴
Documents and registration Six Deportments in Kabul resolved 2590 documents, during the course of one month.

From (1445/12/1- To 1445/12/29) A-H
Details in following:
1- The first section of the Documents and registration:
The first section of the documents and registration resolved (254) marriage certificates, one CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE WITNESS and executed (155) documents as well, during the course of one month.
2- The second section of the Documents and registration:
The second section of the documents and registration resolved (254) marriage certificates, one CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE WITNESS and executed (155) documents as well, during the course of one month.
3- The 3rd section of the Documents and registration:
The 3rd section of the documents and registration resolved (332) marriage certificates, (64) CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE WITNESS and executed (146) documents as well, during the course of one month.
4- The 4th section of the Documents and registration:
The 4thsection of the documents and registration resolved (349) marriage certificates, (5) CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE WITNESS and executed (146) documents as well, during the course of one months.
5- The 5th   section of the Documents and registration:
The 5th section of the documents and registration resolved (327) marriage certificates, (34) CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE WITNESS and executed (116) documents as well, during the course of one month
6- The 6th section of the Documents and registration:
The 6th section of the documents and registration resolved (314) marriage certificates, (23) CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE WITNESS and executed (82) documents as well, during the course of one month.

تازه ترین اخبار

سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۱۶ - ۱۳:۵۵
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جلسۀ هماهنگی میان مسؤولین محاکم مرافعه و ابتدائیۀ شهری ولایت تخار برگزار گردید

تحت ریاست محترم مولوی محمدیوسف (ابوالوفا) رئیس محکمۀ مرافعۀ ولایت تخار، با اشتراک رئیس محکمۀ ابتدائیۀ شهری، رؤسای دواوین جزا و امنیت عامۀ محاکم مرافعه و ابتدائیۀ شهری، غرض رسیدگی هرچه. . .

سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۱۶ - ۱۳:۵۱
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رئیس محکمۀ مرافعۀ ولایت فاریاب با هیئت قضائی محکمۀ ابتدائیۀ ولسوالی قرغان ملاقات نمود

محترم مولوی علیگل (حمیدی) رئیس عمومی محکمۀ مرافعۀ ولایت فاریاب به تاریخ 3  /8 /1446 هـ ق با هیئت قضائی محکمۀ ابتدائیۀ ولسوالی قرغان در دفتر کاری اش  ملا قات نمود.

در جلسۀ که به همین. . .

سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۱۶ - ۱۳:۴۳
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رئیس محکمۀ مرافعۀ ولایت کندز از محاکم ابتدائیۀ ولسوالی‌های قلعه ذال و چهار درۀ آن ولایت بازدید نمود

محترم مولوی نورمحمد (نوری) رئیس عمومی محکمۀ مرافعۀ ولایت کندز با معیتی مولوی محمد ابراهیم مدیر حفظ و مراقبت محکمۀ مرافعه به تاریخ ۳/ ۸ / ۱۴۴۶  هـ ق، از محاکم ابتدائیۀ ولسوالی قلعه ذال و. . .

بازگشت به اخبار