The head of the Criminal Division of the Supreme Court traveled to Balkh Province to finalize the investigation of criminal cases

ثلاثاء, ديسمبر 03 2024 12:02 مساء
The head of the Criminal Division of the Supreme Court traveled to Balkh Province to finalize the investigation of criminal cases

Under the special guidance of Shaikh Abdul Hakim "Haqani, the chief justice of the supreme court; Mufti Atiqullah “Darwish”, the head of the Criminal Division of the Supreme Court, accompanied by Mufti Abdul Hai “Shaker” and Mufti Fazul Rahman “Qasimi”, traveled to the Balkh Province aimed to complete the final investigations of several significant criminal cases, dated: 30th/Jumada al – awwal/1446 A.H.
During the two-day visit to Balkh, the head of the Criminal Division finalized and completed the necessary investigations of 12 criminal cases.
In the course of his visit, Mufti Atiqullah “Darwish” held discussions with the judicial members of the appellate and related courts in Balkh Province. He engaged in detailed consultations regarding the resolution of criminal cases.
The head of the Criminal Division issued specific instructions in the resolving the criminal cases to the judicial members of Balkh courts, emphasizing the pivotal role of the judiciary in an Islamic system, He highlighted its responsibilities, which include ensuring justice, addressing the grievances of the oppressed, punishing criminals in accordance with Sharia principles, and restoring rights to their rightful owners.
Honorable Mufti Darwish added, the officials of the courts should make decisions according to the Sharia and not come under direct or indirect pressure from anyone.
During his visit, the head of the Criminal Division also met with the parties involved in the cases and conducted thorough investigations into the details of their cases.

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