The Supreme Court Criminal Division director finalized 14 important murder cases during his travels to Parwan province

ثلاثاء, أكتوبر 29 2024 4:09 مساء
The Supreme Court Criminal Division director finalized 14 important murder cases during his travels to Parwan province

The head of the criminal division of the supreme court, Mufti Atiqullah "Darwish,” who was accompanied by Mufti Fazal Rahman "Qasemi,” traveled to the Parwan province and solved some criminal cases, dated 25/4/1446 A.H.
During this two-day visit, the head of the Criminal Division of the Supreme Court met with Parwan’s appellate court director and other court-related judiciary members and solved 14  criminal cases, most of which involved murder cases, and discussed in detail
Also, Honorable Mufti Atiqullah “Darwish” and the accompanying delegation met with all the prisoners related to the mentioned cases separately and conducted a complete investigation on the related matters.
For the better understanding and solution of the cases in sharia rules, the head of the criminal division of the Supreme Court guided some important issues to the judicial members to reach on time to the claints cases.
The supreme court criminal division director, after a complete investigation with his accompanied delegation, at the end of this visit, solved 14 murder cases.

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