The head of the civil division of the Supreme Court, led by a delegation, traveled to Balkh province

اثنين, يوليو 15 2024 9:51 صباحا
The head of the civil division of the Supreme Court, led by a delegation, traveled to Balkh province

On Saturday, 1st of Muharram ul Haram, Shaikh Mohammad Qaseem "Mohammadi,"  the head of the civil division of the Supreme Court, was accompanied by Mofti Mohammad Hosin “Kowsari” and Azizullah “Hidari” during his travels to the north provinces, visited on Balkh province.
During the course of last week, the mentioned delegation resolved 17 complicated cases that were previously violated and required an independent decision. After investigation, review, and resolution, it was notified to the conflict parties.
The delegation held a coordination meeting with Balkh’s appellate court director and the member of the civil division of this court, and the necessary guidelines were explained to them regarding the settlement of legal claims.
The participants said that we would follow the guidance of the delegation in our careers.

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