Documents and registration Six Deportments in Kabul resolved 6014 documents, which include 4787 marriage certificates as well, during the course of two months (From 1445/6/16- To 1445/8/15 A-H)

ثلاثاء, مارس 05 2024 2:46 مساء
Documents and registration Six Deportments in Kabul resolved 6014 documents, which include 4787 marriage certificates as well, during the course of two months (From 1445/6/16- To 1445/8/15 A-H)

Details in following: 
1-    The first section of the Documents and registration:
The first section of the documents and registration resolved (233) marriage certificates and executed (200) documents as well, during the course of two months.

2-    The second section of the Documents and registration:
The second section of the documents and registration resolved (773) marriage certificates and executed (200) documents as well, during the course of two months.

3-    The 3rd section of the Documents and registration:

The 3rd section of the documents and registration resolved (1182) marriage certificates and executed (224) documents as well, during the course of two months.

4-    The 4th section of the Documents and registration:
The 4thsection of the documents and registration resolved (933) marriage certificates and executed (283) documents as well, during the course of two months.

5-    The 5th   section of the Documents and registration:
The 5th section of the documents and registration resolved (666) marriage certificates and executed (171) documents as well, during the course of two months.

6-    The 6th section of the Documents and registration:
The 6th section of the documents and registration resolved (1000) marriage certificates and executed (159) documents as well, during the course of two months.

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