The Supreme Court of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan sentenced the murderer to retaliation punishment (Qisas) in Jowzjan Province

اثنين, فبراير 26 2024 1:46 مساء
The Supreme Court of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan sentenced the murderer to retaliation punishment (Qisas) in Jowzjan Province

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
الحمد لله و کفی والصلاة والسلام علی عباده الذین اصطفی 
اما بعد: 
قال الله تبارک و تعالی:ولکم فی لقصاص حیاة یا اولی الالباب لعلکم تتقون(البقره ۱۷۹
In Qisas there is life for yours. O intellectuals, so that you can achieve piety.
و ایضا قال الله تعالی: و من قتل مظلوما فقد جعلنا لولیه سلطانا فلا یسرف فی القتل انه کان منصورا (۳۳) الاسراء
 And who ever kills the oppressed; we have given his heir the right to seek (Qisas),
 So, he should not overdo it in killing, he will be helped.
In Jowzjan province, a murderer was sentenced to retaliation punishment (Qisas).
The killer was Nazar Mohammad, son of Amananullah, son of Hamrah, who was a resident of Balcheragh district in Faryab province. The deceased was Khal Mohammad, son of Abdul Ali, son of Mangal, who was a resident of Balcheragh district of Faryab and is currently resident of Shaberghan district of Jowjan province. He was killed with a sharp knife on 1443/6/12.
The case was examined very precisely and repeatedly by three courts of Islamic emirate (Primary, appellate and Tamiz) in different ways; as a result, the order of retaliation (Qisas) was issued and approved. This case was represented to the Amirul Muminin Shaykh – ul Hadis Mowlawi Hibatullah “Akhunzada” for its approval, after an extraordinary investigation by Amirul Muminin Hifzahullah was also conducted on this case with the final caution.
At the end the order of Qisas was given due to the Sharia ruling on the murderer and it was directed to the supreme court of Islamic Emirate to implement this order today 15th of Shaban in the football stadium in Jowzjan. 
The Supreme Court criminal division directorate, Mufti Atiqullah Darwish, Mufti Mowlawi Salim, and Mowlawi Abdul Rahim "rashid,” head of foreign affairs, public relations, and press of the Supreme Court, participated in this ceremony under the guidance of the chief justice.
In this meeting, Mowlawi Abdul Ghani Sayeed, head of the Jowzjan appellate court; Mowlawi Abdul Wali, head of the criminal division in the Jowzjan appellate court; Qari Gul Haider Shafiq, governor of Jowzjan province; Mowlawi Noorudin Amir, deputy governor of Jowzjan province; Mowlwi Mohammad Khoshhal Mahmood, intelligence director of this province; head of the Ulima council Shaikh Khirullah Haqani; and lots of officials and public people participated.
The meeting ended with duwa to strengthen the overall security of the country and the better application of Islamic sharia, and ended with the implementation of Qisas, the grate order of Allah.

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